Thursday, March 26, 2009

It's time to unite and make our voices heard.

Honestly, before February 1st, 2009 I had never read a blog in my life, let alone entertained the idea of writing one myself. I don't have a Facebook, Twitter, or any videos on YouTube. I have never bought or sold a single item on EBay, nor have I ever had my own personal website. I spend much of my work day at a computer and honestly I have never had much desire to use my home computer for anything other than work related matters and the occasional fantasy football and baseball draft etc.
I have had a sincere interest in politics and government since I was about 10 years old. I can remember sitting in front of the television watching Sr. Bush address the nation as we were about to deploy troops to Kuwait to stop the Iraqi invasion. I can remember the detailed coverage of the Clinton impeachment, but at the same time I feel that I truly began to see the bias of the mainstream media. I, like all Americans, vividly remember the morning of September 11, 2001. Amid the feelings of fear and confusion, I was truly comforted by the words and actions of George W. Bush and even more encouraged by the words of my fellow Americans. In the days immediately following the WTC Attacks, I had witnessed my country come together like I had never before seen in my short time on this earth. The bond and true feeling of community in the days after the attack was palpable. Although we were immersed in sadness and tragedy, there was an overwhelming sense of pride and unity that was both healthy and exciting in my eyes. Many of us used this fateful day as a reason to reach out to our families, neighbors, and even many people we may had otherwise never spoken to, let alone hugged.
As time progressed, we very quickly feel back into the destructive patterns of partisan politics and ideological division. Both sides began to use 9/11 as a vehicle for personal agendas and partisan bashing. The Iraq War that followed the WTC attack showcased our political structure at it's worst. During a time that unity and solidarity was an absolute must, I witnessed an abuse of power by both our Federal Government and our Mainstream Media. I am an admitted conservative by nature ( I refuse to affiliate with either of the two party structure that is killing this country), but I staunchly disagreed with many of the decisions made by Bush. At the same time, I was insulted by the media's biased portrayal of Bush as an ignorant, vengeful "warmonger" In my opinion, George Bush may have been many things, but a liar was not one of them. No matter how misguided, I truly believe he made each decision during his presidency with his heart and with America's best interest as his driving force. I also firmly believe that almost all national media outlets had a single motive while covering and reporting each day of his presidency and it was simply to anger uninformed Americans and pave the way for a liberal revival in 2008.
A little older (and hopefully a little wiser) I watched with extreme scrutiny the presidential campaigns of all candidates in this past election. As a Conservative, I was very much unimpressed and slightly turned off by the campaign ran by John McCain. I felt that Mr. McCain neglected the very belief structure of the people he was supposed to represent. At the same time, I was very much angered by the mainstream media's blatant campaigning for Barack Obama. Obama portrayed himself as a centrist and the lone figure in the election who would be able to break down the bi-partisan barrier that has held us back as country for years and years. With "movie star" type celebrity and undying support from the very media that is supposed to bring to light both pros and cons of each candidate, Obama won the election with promises of hope, change, and government transparency.
I sit here 60 days later and I feel cheated and betrayed. I long for the feelings of trust and confidence I used to feel when addressed by my President. Of course I feel that the confidence and comfort I felt listening to Bush Sr. was slightly due to naivete and youthful ignorance, but I felt then, and still feel now that Bush Sr. loved his country and had a deep respect for the Americans that elected him.
After 60 days of unparalleled spending and a self fulfilling attitude that President Obama exudes with each interview and town hall meeting, I cannot understand why he is still being hailed as the equivalent of a political messiah. I saw first hand how the media coverage destroyed George W's presidency and even months after his departure they are doing everything in their power to destroy his legacy as well; meanwhile our future, our money, and our freedom is being taken away from us with each passing day and nobody on NBC, CNN, ABC, CBS, most national newspapers, and many of our local news outlets feel it's necessary to report the fear and anger that is slowly beginning to fester in the minds and hearts of people like me and you.
Both President Obama and the mainstream media continually tell us that each decision he makes is driven by love for his country and respect for his fellow American, yet everyday he has been in office he has taken steps to decimate the standard of living for me, you, our children, and even our grandchildren. He has worked tirelessly to unmake the very structure that has made this country the most prosperous in the world.
I ask you my fellow Americans to not be fooled and bullied into believeing that Obama and Congress love this country and want to improve your standard of living. I implore you to read about our history as a nation and re-familiarize yourself with the constitution and the forefathers that paved the way for the prosperity we need to fight for today. Do not soley form your opinions based on newspaper headlines and the first five minutes of the nightly news. We as Americans are just as responsible for current state of the nation as the federal govenrment. We have stood idely by for too long and unless we unite and make our voices heard, we will see the very foundations (economic and religious freedom) that built this country wash away before our eyes. If you feel the same way, please know you are not alone. There is an everpresent unrest growing in this great country and it's up to us to show the government that they work for us and we will no longer tolerate the lies and deception. Take the time to explore the other avenues of information gathering, don't depend on a media that perpitrates these lies and preys on the fears of ignorant Americans. It is especially important to educate our youth. Make sure that they are not bullied by Obama and the media into believing that this country's love of capitalism and personal freedom is inherently wrong, and we as a nation much change these views in order to prosper. Look at the foreign governments in Europe and the Middle East that we are steadily being modeled after and ask yourself if that's turly how you want to live your life. Ask yourself if that's the environment in which you'd want your children and grandchildren to live.
America was built on freedom and oppurtunity. If values like these mean anything to you it's time to stand up and make the government that has lied to us for too long answer for their transgressions. I long for the days when I looked at my President (and government in general) with admiration and trust.
We as Americans have the ability to assert our own values back into the oval office and instill a rejuvanated respect and reverance for the post of President of the United States, but we need to see through the cloud of lies and deception that has been sitting over us for too long.
Stay strong America and continue to fight the good fight.

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